Since its introduction to the dentistry industry, zirconia has grown to be the material of preference for dentists who want to offer their patients the most cutting-edge metal-free restorations.
With the addition of a wider variety of milling pucks, zirconia has substantially improved, enabling greater shade variation and translucencies that nearly match natural dentition. Zirconia’s physical attributes enable precision-fitting restorations, durability, and strength in addition to better aesthetics. It is crucial to make sure adequate preparatory criteria are followed in order to enhance the outcome of seated Zirconia restorations and save chairtime.
The significance of tooth preparation design
- Less stress is placed on the crown because of smooth edges. The likelihood of fractures happening is lower due to the lesser stress.
- For ceramic repairs, a passive fit is necessary.
- Ceramics with uniform reduction provide high strength.
- The best aesthetic outcomes come from sufficient reduction.
- Smoother preparations are read more precisely by digital scanners.
Guidelines for a front zirconia crown’s preparation
- You must leave enough space while preparing a tooth for an anterior Zirconia crown so that the wall thickness has a minimum of 0.3 mm and is optimum between 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm, or 1.8 to 2.0 mm incisal reduction.
- At the gingival margin, there should be at least a 0.5 mm decrease and a clear, continuous circumferential chamfer.
- A 5° angle should be used for the tooth’s horizontal and vertical preparations; a bevel is not advised.
- The lingual aspect of the anteriors should be reduced using a football diamond to generate a concave lingual, and all of the incisal edges should be rounded.
Guidelines for a posterior zirconia crown preparation
- You must leave enough space while preparing a tooth for a posterior Zirconia crown so that the wall thickness is at least 0.5 mm thick and, ideally, between 1 mm and 1.5 mm or 1.5 to 2 mm occlusal reduction.
- The pretreatment should taper from 4 to 8 degrees. A decrease of at least 0.5 mm is needed at the gingival margin, and it must have a clear and continuous circumferential chamfer.
- A bevel is not advised, just like with the preparation for an anterior crown. Make sure that all of the occlusal edges are rounded.
- For zirconia, shoulder and Chamfer preparations work best. Although they are not advised, feather edge preparations can be used for full-Zirconia crowns. Ask your dental laboratory if this prep form can be made using their fabrication procedure.
Reasons why a crown preparation might not be suitable for a zirconia restoration
- The preparation must be free of gutter preparation and any undercuts in order to be suitable for a Zirconia crown restoration.
- Both the preparation of a parallel wall and a 90° shoulder are unacceptable.
- Zirconia restorations are not recommended for teeth with sharp incisal or occlusal edges.
completing zirconia restorations with cement
- When assembling and glueing Zirconia restorations, marginal finishing is frequently necessary.
- To prevent plaque buildup, which causes tooth sensitivity and periodontal disease, extra cement must be removed.
- Using non-cutting, safe-end finishing burs for gingival margins will safeguard the soft tissues.
- A Zirconia restoration’s surface may be slightly roughened by these modifications, but polishing should be simple and result in an incredibly smooth surface.
If changes are necessary, a fine diamond bur suited for a Zirconia restoration must be used. Zirconia will develop micro-fractures as a result of excessive heat or sparking from an aggressive reduction. In order to limit the quantity of heat created, it is imperative to utilise as little pressure as feasible.
Please remember that our knowledgeable technical team is there to help you if you would like to talk about a Zirconia implant case in more detail: Click the link to get in touch with us.
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